Oranges and Marzipan

oranges and marzipan
peeling myself 
out of memories 

Orangen und Marzipan -
ich schäle mich
aus meinen Erinnerungen



just another December afternoon


just another
December afternoon
suddenly the sky
is in flames


day end sky 
attracts tomorrow's sunrise
limb lace



driving home for Christmas

driving home for Christmas - 
selbst der Weg 
ist mir fremd


driving home for Christmas
even the way 
seems foreign to me 



Poles Melting

poles melting - 
where shall we go, when we've 
destroyed our blue planet 

beyond why would anyone 
want to have us


within this sealed sphere
the vacuum


publication THE HAIKU FOUNDATION: Climate Change & intro to Turn of the Decade 2019

Photo: Commons Wikimedia 

no snow in sight

no snow in sight
tell me heart
will it be still Christmas for you

kein Schnee in Sicht
sag mir Herz
wird es dennoch Weihnachten für dich





between the swirling sparks
your blue eyes on me 


photo: wikimedia commons

. .

Frost auf Disteln

Frost auf Disteln
ein nettes Wort von dir
nur eines

frost on thistles
one kind word from you
only one



am Adventskranz

on the Advent wreath
in each candle flame 
childhood pictures

am Adventskranz
in jeder Kerzenflamme


Veröffentlicht auch auf Tageshaiku 


cracking and whispering

cracking and whispering
mother speaks noiseless
with the flames


remembered look
drew my eyes into this hearth
mother's smile



candle light

candle light
slowly, very slowly 
the angel begins to dance 



November morning

November morning - unexpected 
the wind turns to the South 
is it my name you call?

Novembermorgen - unerwartet
dreht der Wind auf Süd
rufst du meinen Namen? 

veredit©isabella.kramer 2016


night frost

night frost - 
longer and longer
 my heart needs
for thawing 


night frost
graces this soldier statue
knight frost



swans migration

swans migration -
who will lighten the darkness
when our dreams are gone 



inner peace

inner peace
milk clouds in my tea cup
no whence and whiter


another sip
of this morning's sun
a full cup



old people's home

old people's home
all these searching eyes
in the smoky mirror



first night frost

first night frost
under your fingertips all
these lost memories



Autumn Garden

autumn garden
about the farewell of colors
a fog poem

über dem abschied der farben
ein nebelgedicht



another autumn

another autumn
around my searching soul
the fragile time

ein weiterer herbst 
um meine suchende seele
die brüchige zeit 


mountain side
as tree limbs blush
times path 



dawn comes earlier


dawn comes earlier
in the crackling of an open fire
grandmothers fairytale voice



late summer

late summer
just discovered first spiderwebs
around my heart



Monday Morning

Monday morning
somewhere between skyscrapers
my longing flies away 



whispering leaves

whispering leaves
missing your fingers
in my hair


the fallen
dry leaves call out names
sunset breeze




white sails and
no distance between us

weiße Segel und
keine Entfernung zwischen uns



moon glow

moon glow
the track of your fingers
on my night skin
have we forgotten
the white stones

published in Haiku book Desert Rain 

or the haiku version

moon glow
the track of your fingers
on my night skin


as you are count my freckles
one shoulder to the other



July clouds

July clouds - slowly,
very slowly a dragon flies
from right to left


dragon trails
storm this thunderous sky
lightning breath



under teetering daisies

under teetering daisies
a one winged butterfly -
miss you sis


.this butterfly
with the blood of unity 
family wings


le soleil blanchit ses ailes
marguerite se fait belle
en silence passe l'été

©patrick lucas

so weit das Auge reicht

so weit das Auge reicht
glühender Mohn
welche Farbe hat Frieden?

as far as the eyes reach
glowing poppies
what is the color of peace? 



Ocean waves

ocean waves
year by year 
I'll be less 


published in Haiku book Desert Rain 

la mer engloutit les mots
qui échappent au vent
les vagues brassent

©kris marty


poppies -
drunken by love
your lips

mohnblumen / von liebe betrunken / deine lippen



Children's Laughter

children's laughter
dabbles in the waterfall
afternoon green



3 - 1 sea and sun

I share the sea with the sun
nobody else

the sun and me

the whole sea
for us two
the sun and I



skin contact

skin contact
and the woodruff soften
my soul


on this soft morning breeze
baby's breath 




seelenfrieden die tauperlen auf der alchemilla

inner peace pearls of dew on the alchemilla


.perles de pluie sur
un feuillage printanier
le ciel fond

©patrick lucas

sleeping crows

sleeping crows
under the milky way
nightingale's echo


"I enjoy the subtlety and epicness of this one. The crows are sleeping, and their various calls cannot be heard any longer, but the nightingale's echo (not song, but echo of it, which is important to note) still resounds. The nightingale exhibits many sounds while singing, like whistles, trills, and gurgles. And this echo of its song is underneath the expanse of the milky way.

Firstly, as a reader, I can say it is simply an exquisite image. But beyond that, we have a continuation of sound in the nightingale--and at night, when dangerous things are supposed to happen. The nightingale's song is loud and immensely beautiful and is a common subject for poetry because of its enamoring song.

Why is it important that it is an echo of the song rather than the song itself? I think because when we look up at the milky way, its distance is clear, but its beauty is still mesmerizing. The same could be said about the echo of a nightingale's song.

The nightingale as a kigo or seasonal reference is for all seasons. Comparing that reference with the seeming eternity of the Milky Way is poignant.

The colors are also important to mention. The milky way could be said to be white and the crows are black. Though we would associate the night with darkness, the bright milky way and the bright song of the nightingale fill it with a brilliant atmosphere. Readers might ask the question, "Is night really night?" And for that matter, "Is anything really as it is?"

I think Isabella used the "o" sound effectively with the ends of line 1 and line 3 being "crows" and "echo." Also notice the use of "l" with "sleeping" "milky" and "nightingale" which makes the haiku more musical.

A succinct but grand haiku by +Isabella Kramer."

by Nicholas Klacsanzky

Painting: Woodblock print by Ohara Koson (1887-1945) of a crow and blossom - created ca. 1910 

further publication THE HAIKU FOUNDATION: EARTHRISE 2017 

bright beeches hall

bright beeches hall
the scent of woodruff
you forever and ever 




the dripping of silence
into my heart

das Tropfen der Stille 
in mein Herz 

