A Nightmare of Childhood

A nightmare of childhood

the one-eyed doll opens her dark red lips for a scary smile — nearer and nearer — I can feel her breath at my cheeks and the only eye makes me wait like a rabbit for the badger

Zoomzeman's fiddle tones
while our rocket
flies past the moon

by isabella.kramer2020

*** Zoomzeman is the main figure in a very old German fairytale Little Peter's Journey 

This mini-haibun is first published by Elancharan Gunasekaran  in my E-Chapbooks 2020 for download on www.proletaria.com - green dawn  - failed haiku, Volume 6, Issue 64


brilliant rare

brilliant rare - the eyes of a flower moon 


First published by Elancharan Gunasekaran  in my E-Chapbooks 2020 for download on www.proletaria - green dawn 


a run-down pet store

a run-down pet store
the old owner and his cats
share each other's lunch

by isabella.kramer

first published by Patricia McGuire on The Poetry Pea Summer Edition 2020 

Photo by Mark on Unsplash

the May is green and white

The May is green and white

there must be a reason
why polar bears
never play dominoes

Mozart Clarinette Adagio
the heavy rain outside
more than a background

a smile
what a smile
ask the heart

war sound—
my neighbors cancel
their vacation

full rain barrel
the filigree super network
by a water spider


first published by Michael O'Brien on Weird Laburnum
