eating alone

eating alone
father counts
his rice grains 


Photo by Mgg Vitchakorn on Unsplash


white orchids


white orchids
dreaming myself
back to Koh Samui

Isabella Kramer

First publishes in Poetry Pea - Haiku and Senryu using Places Names 20th September 2021 


the old trout

the old trout and me - escape together

(die alte Forelle und ich - gemeinsam entkommen) 


First published on Poetry Pea - Haiku all about Animal 20th January 2020 


lost and found

lost and found
the wish I forgot to wish
cherry blossoms 





the birth of a crocus
how I miss
the gentle touch of
your playing fingers
with my open hair



Covid-19 or not


covid-19 or not
the beech has born
new petals
