3 work


just twig being a clown one lifetime

first published on Bones 19, March 2020

otters playing cricket while the moon is a disk overripe

first published on Bones 19, March 2020

radiator blues every eleventh pling a gargoyle's giggle

first published on Bones 19, March 2020

a rabbits thought floats
above each newly bloomed plant
this toil of harvest


2 Kommentare:

  1. Such a grand truism Isabella!
    __Work gives we all the foods of life, imagination is one of those "foods", the food of thought; work is glee. Smiles!

    a rabbits thought floats
    above each newly bloomed plant
    this toil of harvest

    1. Warmest thanks for your wonderful, encouraging feedback, dear Magyar! Deeply appreciated.

      xx, isabella


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