July clouds

July clouds - slowly,
very slowly a dragon flies
from right to left


dragon trails
storm this thunderous sky
lightning breath



under teetering daisies

under teetering daisies
a one winged butterfly -
miss you sis


.this butterfly
with the blood of unity 
family wings


le soleil blanchit ses ailes
marguerite se fait belle
en silence passe l'été

©patrick lucas

so weit das Auge reicht

so weit das Auge reicht
glühender Mohn
welche Farbe hat Frieden?

as far as the eyes reach
glowing poppies
what is the color of peace? 



Ocean waves

ocean waves
year by year 
I'll be less 


published in Haiku book Desert Rain 

la mer engloutit les mots
qui échappent au vent
les vagues brassent

©kris marty

path with wild flowers

wild flower path 
the forgotten way home



wind gusts

wind gusts we're dancing together bamboo

