Santa's Belt Buckle and the Moth Finder
first snowfall
fallen snow
absorbs the railway sounds
pomander scent
the moment I know
it's Christmas
the distant canon
first published and translated in World Haiku series 2021 by Hidenori Hiruta, Akita
im Schnabel der Elster
ein letztes Blatt
Das Lied des Lebens
das lied des lebens
aber wer einmal lebt
der muss es ununterbrochen tun
but who lives once
has to do it continuously
Die Inspiration zu diesem haiku kam aus der Facebook Haiku-Gruppe 'haiku-like' und ist die Idee von Eléonore Nikolay:
Meine Bücher dichten ein Haiku
first cool nights
autumn equinox
full moon
full moon
the soundless cry
of a dying birch
満月 瀕死の白樺の 無音の叫び
first published and translated in World Haiku series 2021 by Hidenori Hiruta, Akita
Photo copyright: Isabella Kramer
die Mondschwimmerin
die mondschwimmerin
du gibst mir grün für dein blau
you give me green for my blue
Die Inspiration zu diesem haiku kam aus der Facebook Haiku-Gruppe 'haiku-like' und ist die Idee von Eléonore Nikolay:
Meine Bücher dichten ein Haiku
Autumn Nights
autumn nights the swan feather on my pillow thereafter
秋の夜 その後 私の枕に白鳥の羽
first published and translated in World Haiku series 2021 by Hidenori Hiruta, Akita
first leaves falling
ohne jeden plan
wie wir
potato campfire
rain ending
rain ending
the perfect circle
of the last drop
year after year
the ending of love
two dried pansies
daily migraine
Desert Rain
even in my dreams the call
of sirens
Over 600 million people don't have access to clean water.
Read haiku and make a difference.
All book proceeds are donated to ActionAid, The Hunger Project, and
I'm very pleased that my verses are included too!! Thousand thanks to Jacob Salzer and The Nook Editorial Staff.
Desert Rain is now available on It will also be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in the coming weeks.
eating alone
father counts
Photo by Mgg Vitchakorn on Unsplash
white orchids
First publishes in Poetry Pea - Haiku and Senryu using Places Names 20th September 2021
Spring Breeze
spring breeze the desire for new wings
first published in Journal of the Akita International Haiku Network ISSN 2434-1711 (online)Serow Vol. 5 spreads 2022
the old trout
First published on Poetry Pea - Haiku all about Animal 20th January 2020
emoij moon
emoji moon each step a crisp letter
first published on Journal of the Akita International Haiku Network ISSN 2434-1711 (online)Serow Vol. 5 spreads 2022